VMWare Player in Fedora 18
If you are having problems with getting VMware Player to install into your Fedora 18 system, take a look at the instructions below to get it installed and running.
First, we need to make sure we have everything up to date on the system and that we are running the most recent kernel. Run the following command:
sudo yum update
After that has finished updating your system, it will be a good idea to reboot to make sure you boot with the most up to date kernel.
Next, we need to make sure we have all the required packages that VMWare needs. We will need to install some of the kernel building packages in the repos, as well as a few other tools for building kernel modules.
sudo yum install kernel-* make gcc gcc-c++
Now, we have everything we need to install VMWare Player. Go to www.vmware.com/go/get-player to download the installer file for system. There are versions available for 32bit and 64 bit systems, so be sure to grab the right one. Once you have the file, you will need to make it executable by doing the following:
chmod 775 VMware-Player-*
Finally, you are ready to run the installer file. Just be sure to sudo the command, as it will need root priveleges to install everything:
sudo ./VMware-Player-*
Then, it's just a matter of following the on-screen prompts of the VMWare installer. If you have any problems or hang-ups, feel free to leave a comment below, and I will to reply with any help!
Followed your instructions and I got this message at the end.
"Kernel Headers for version 3.6.10-4.fc18.x8664 were not found."
Any ideas? I'm a bit of a Linux newb.
Hey man helped a lot Thanks!
Finnished VMware player successfuly but after when I found in Application Finder I have got message
"Faild to execute to child object: @@BINARY@@ No such file or directory.
Any idea why I cannot run thi player?
Thanks for reply and help,
I found that, you need to run after below command:
sudo vmware-modconfig --console --install-all
for more info please visit: http://askubuntu.com/questions/286326/unable-to-start-vmware-workstation-after-upgrade-to-13-04